Thursday, January 03, 2008

Finding a Place to Live in London: Lessons 4 and 5

Lesson 4 - supposedly, everyone in London wants a property with a garden. Roughly translated, this means a small patch of grass that is located at the back of a house or flat where the owners can commune with nature.

Our "garden" is really quite nice, being all decked and landscaped. Little or no yardwork.
Size? 21' x 18'.

Sure...just a little patch of sky but enough.

Lesson 5 is related to Lesson 4. When looking at gardens, always walk the garden, no matter the size. Don't just peer out a window. Why? Because you might just inherit more "of a garden" than you expected.

For example, our garden comes with a fish pond, which only learned well after the fact. That was not exactly anything I was bargaining for.

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