Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We did finally get those Christmas cards mailed while we were in the US, but they actually resembled "Happy New Year" cards more than Christmas cards. Hopefully, if you are reading the blog, you have received your card, but if not, I can assure you it was a total oversight on our part.

In keeping with the tradition Budman and I have followed for the last few years, we always choose a travel photo for our Christmas cards...many of you may remember some from the previous years (B/H in red sweaters at the the Seoul palace, Budman and Hachie Gal with the Geishas in Japan, touring Angkor Wat in Cambodia, German winter courtesy of Joe G., B/H at the London Bridge)....This year was no different; after some reviewing of the year's photos, the photo of us at Royal Ascot Races was the winner!

Ascot BY 0608 005

I must confess that this photo has generated more comments and emails than most years, so thought I would share the locale with you since it has been a point of some interest...and yes, hats were a must that day.

In keeping with the sentiment expressed in the cards,

Wishing you and your family the happiest of holidays and best wishes for the new year!

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