Saturday, May 05, 2007


This community, established in the 17th century by Christian IV, is really an enclave that has been absorbed into Copenhagen. Originally modelled after the canals of Holland, today it is a series of shops and restaurants that make for a nice leisurely afternoon. It’s a mixture of old and new; still visible today are the ramparts of the old city, as well as remnants from its “cafĂ©-culture” past of the 60’s.

The day we visited was really the best day weather wise, as noted by the photos….things turned decidedly wintry after our stroll through the area. So much for the Easter weekend.

Budman in Christianshavn.


Copenhagen - view of the new opera house from Christianshavn.


Canals of Christianshavn.





Vor Frelsers Kirke (Our Saviour’s Church), a 17th century church with close ties to the Danish monarchy, apparently has fabulous views from its dome. Of course, it never fails that at least one major church is under renovation in any city we visit. True to form. our streak is still alive, so entry into the dome and interior was not allowed.



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