Sunday, May 25, 2008

lifelong friends

There is no better feeling in the world than seeing a lifelong friend after several years, and picking right up where you left off. We both agreed it had well been over 8 years since our last catch-up!

In my case, it is a friend of 30 years (from high school in Texas) that was passing through London enroute to Ethiopia for a multi week sabbatical. After a brief dinner, and a lot of gabbing, catching up on families, friends, jobs, and life in general, I can honestly say that old friends are indeed some of the best friends.

And in this case, old has nothing to do with either of our ages. Thank you very much.

So...Rev Kyle, thanks for the meal! The Budman and I will see you, Cindy, and the boys in August as you pass back through London. All the best dear friend!

Friends 002

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