Monday, November 30, 2009

The Cro-nadians leave London

It is the nature of living abroad...people come and go in and out of your lives.  It is like chapters in the book of expatriate life!
One such chapter that has recently drawn to a close was for a work colleague and her husband, Ana and Goran, who headed back to wintery Canada (she's Canadian, he's Croatian...hence CRO-NADIANS) after a few years in London.  We will definitely miss them!

As such, a wonderful surprise party was held for them at a local London eatery...Fun was had by all. Thanks to Cyn for recording the event for posterity, since the Hachie Gal's camera (actually, batteries) went on the fritz!

Party chit-chat!

Brtan going away party 13

Brtan going away party 10

Brtan going away party 12

Brtan going away party 9

Brtan going away party 5

Brtan going away party 4

Brtan going away party 2

Goran, Ana, Blondie and Drama....

Brtan going away party 16

People celebrate their Canadian or Croatian names...clearly, the Croats are less than enthused with their Canadian names :-).

Brtan going away party 14

Brtan going away party 8

Brtan going away party 15

Budman and Marina are "masked"....

Brtan going away party 6

Brtan going away party 1

Ravenscourt Park and fireworks

What is a rainy Sunday afternoon perfect for doing? Downloading photos that have been stockpiled on my camera for without further ado....

Check out the November 6th post for details on what Guy Fawkes Day is all about; these photos show the Budman, Hachie Gal, Cyn, Paulster, Blondie, and Drama celebrating GF day with fireworks at Ravenscourt Park. Thanks, Cyn for your photos as well!

Budman and Hachie Gal...of course, Budman finds the cotton candy.

Cyn Firworks 3

Guy Fawkes Day 1109 008

Cyn Fireworks 2

Guy Fawkes Day 1109 007

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Guy Fawkes Day 1109 003

Guy Fawkes Day 1109 001

Blondie and Drama, Paulster and Cyn's girls enjoy the rides.

Dunford girls

Friday, November 27, 2009

What do you get when 4 Waxahachians take London by storm?

Late this summer/early fall, we had Waxahachie friends come for a stay in the London pad...actually, they house-sat for us while we were in Croatia but we got a really good visit in while they were here.

These friends are kinda more ways than one...we actually bought our Waxahachie House from them, shared a cat for a time, Annie, and generally just think they are fun folks. Wish we were closer than an ocean away.

We had a great time while they were ...taking in some sights we had actually not seen before. First stop on the Hachie tour of London and the UK: Stonehenge. Since Hachie Gal was the only person leaglly able to drive in the UK, I was the chauffeur. Did they know what they had gotten themselves into?

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 020

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 006

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 013

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0017

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 014

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0012

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0006

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0005

...followed by a trip to the quaint town of Canterbury and its magnificient cathedral.

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0020

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0023

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0028

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 032

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 030

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 033

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0036

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0041

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 029

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0045

Stonehenge and Salisbury _0044

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 057

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 050

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 043

Sadly, Jim took ill one day (or was it really that he was coveting our Skye Motor Sports channel and wanted to stay home and watch the races). Anyway, Becky, Budman, and I headed to Kew Gardens...indulge me...the light was great that day and so were the photos.

Tnham Green_005

Kew Gardens_0009

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 086

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Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 060

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 064

Kew Gardens_0021

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 078

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 084

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 091

Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Kew 093

Kew Gardens_0042

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Kew Gardens_0022

Ham House, Syon House, Thames River, Marble Hill House, and Richmond

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BY Kaufmann trip 0809 022

BY Kaufmann trip 0809 007

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