Friday, July 03, 2009


The long awaited return to Barcelona finally transpired. We were starting to think any and all future trips to BCN were jinxed because it seemed every attempt to visit that fabulous city was thwarted either by a trip cut short or cancelled. Third time is a charm…or in this case, I think 6th time a charm. Anyway.

Our four day weekend greeted us with gorgeous sunshine, endless tapas restaurants (which I must admit to embracing this concept - endless grazing), TONS of wonderful architecture, and of course, the requisite shopping. The next few posts with try to capture some of the highlights of that trip, photographically speaking.

I suppose the pre-eminent BCN star is Gaudi…the man and the legacy of his architecture. While I was aware of his work, this weekend allowed the Budman and I to totally immerse ourselves in his BCN achievements. The crown jewels, La Sagrada Familia, Casa Mila and Casa Botlo, are indeed impressive, but everywhere you look there was an example of his work. Sadly, no trip to Parc Guell this visit…ah, simply another reason to return!

So, starting off slow, our BCN trip….

La Rambla…its sights and sounds. Certainly one of the most famous streets in BCN, if not THE most famous, it is alive 24x7. A stroll down its length allows you to see its seafront (experienced on our first BCN trip), check out its palatial buildings, visit the food stalls, shops, cafes and street vendors, including those cute little bird stalls, and check out the sometimes wierd but entertaining street performers. A good start to the BCN experience.

Barcelona HY batch 1 0509 014

Barcelona HY batch 1 0509 015

Barcelona HY batch 1 0509 017

Barcelona BY 0509 118

Barcelona HY batch 1 0509 016

Barcelona BY 0509 119

Barcelona HY batch 1 0509 020

Barcelona HY batch 1 0509 019

Barcelona BY 0509 120

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