Sunday, May 14, 2006

Harry Potter needs to stick to quidditch

We’ve now officially met Harry Potter. He is a checker at the Real Supermarket in Düsseldorf. Either that, or it is his “separated at birth” twin who is working there.

The Budman and I have now been through his checkout line twice where he has officially scanned our groceries. The first time was a week ago Saturday where we failed to notice the very significant Harry Potter resemblance: hair cut and color, glasses, facial features, eye color. We were simply too preoccupied by the fact that this was apparently Harry’s first day as a checker. His register jammed, the receipt printer was out of paper and he was totally at a loss what to do about it, he could not get the conveyor belt to work and was thereby unable to move the items down for scanning, nor could he get his register open. Even his scanner was not cooperating. It was then that a “prefect” (a.k.a. supermarket supervisor) came to the rescue. We were so humoured by his classic “first day on the job” travails that we did not really focus on the HP similarities.

Thus, upon checkout again yesterday, we decided to give this new checker another shot and proceed to his register. This time, the Harry Potter resemblance hit us fill force. And once again, he had issues during the check-out process; namely requiring me to go back to the produce area and get another package of apples since the bar code was damaged on the first set. Much to the chagrin of the patrons behind us in line, I might add.

We surmised that perhaps “Harry” might be better off if he just stuck to his game of quidditch.

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