Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer has arrived

One minute you are wearing jackets and the next minute you are trying to catch a breeze in the house! If the recent weekend (BTW, which was gorgeous but was a hot one) is any indication of the summer ahead, it is going to be a hot one in London this year.

Having now successfully relocated my office to a home office working environment, I do have the luxury of wearing summer appropriate apparel (a.k.a. shorts, sleeveless tops, and sun dresses) in the home office. This is a godsend as evidenced yesterday by the west London high temperatures of 29-30 degrees C. Converted, that equates to approximately 88 - 90 degrees Farenheit.

"Not so bad", you say? Normally I would agree but I must stipulate two additional points for your consideration:

(1) without A/C, the interior house temperature as 84 degrees yesterday at its height...which meant every window was open to catch a good cross breeze

(2) which can be problematic given hayfever season is going on in earnest right at this very moment.

So, when you Texans are visualizing the glamour of living in London right at this very moment, remember the no A/C-hot temperature part. Unless that concept somehow appeals to you.

Note: At the time of this blogpost, this sweaty and sneezing blogger was happy to report that the Tuesday morning temperatures had dropped by 15 degree C, and it was a lovely cool 60 degrees F.

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