Saturday, January 07, 2006

Number 22

Paris Marathon Training: Week 5 of 18
Today’s target run: 48 minutes
Today’s completed run: no run today; feeling very fatigued

Yes, 22 years ago today the Budman and I were married. Looking back, it is hard to understand where the time has gone, but a great 22 years it has been.


As for celebrations, a new flat screen (German but supposedly can be used in the US…) and satellite dish (to be installed on Monday) are THE gifts this year. And a quiet dinner at our new favourite German restaurant.


Missy said...

Huge congratulations!! I hope to be there myself someday.

(that's a helluva hug btw ... nice work!)

Hachie Gal said...

yea...he just grabbed on for the photo. You can tell that I was caught a bit off guard....still, one of my new favorite photos.