Friday, August 31, 2007

Do, re, mi, fa, so , la, ti...?

Almost forgot the birthday weekend photos! A great weekend celebrating 2 birthdays in early August: Hachie Gal and our niece, SaraBeth…in LONDON! The day included shopping, enjoying the sights, sounds, and food of London, the quintessential musical, The Sound of Music, and great company.

So, in essence, London’s West End was, in fact, “alive with the sound of music”.

London BY 0807 007

Budman and SB ponder, “How do you solve a problem like Maria?”

London BY 0807 008

A few of my favorite things…”

London BY 0807 006

The birthday girls…neither of us are “sixteen going on seventeen” …

London BY 0807 014

The sun has gone, and so to bed must I”…”So long…farewell…auf wiedersehen…goodbye!"

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