Friday, August 31, 2007

Will’s place

Day 2 of the birthday weekend included a daytrip to Stratford-Upon-Avon to see many things, amongst them, Will’s place. By that I mean, William Shakespeare’s birthplace, the village that he spent much of his life in, as well as his burial place. An easy train trip southwest of London, Budman, SaraBeth, and Hachie Gal putzed about the day soaking in a little Tudor England.

Shakespeare's birthplace.

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Nash House was the home of Shakespeare’s daughter and son-in-law and site of the last known residence of Shakespeare. Nash house was not the home Shakespeare last lived in as it was sadly destroyed decades ago. Nash House and its gardens, however, are a faithful restoration and recreation of Tudor England.

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Holy Trinity Church, the burial place of William Shakespeare.

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Scenes in Stratford-Upon-Avon and its namesake, the Avon River.

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Watching the canal boats along the river Avon. Can't tell you what a crowd collected to watch a canal boat go through a couple of locks!

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Budman at the Stratford-Upon-Avon train station.

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