Saturday, August 06, 2005

It does not get any better than this....

A rather cool and blustry day did not diminish our first day in Paris: a leisurely walk though the St. Germain area, a boat ride along the Seine, and shopping along the Champs-Elysees...just to name a few. Having been to Paris before, and taken the "Paris Highlights 101" course for tourists, I still do not tire of seeing these remarkable sites. With no specific plans or destinations in mind, we simply took off armed with a map, a travel book, and a camera.

A few things held to form. St. Germain, while entirely charming and filled with great little cafes, did not provide me with my first purchase of the day. I felt confident that I would find that perfect antique in this corner of Paris, but alas, most of the antique shops were not even open. (A rather common theme). Never fear, Buddy charged to the rescue, making the very first purchase ...for himself, I might add (great pair of shoes by the way).

We also saw Paris' oldest church before boarding "une bateaux" for a ride along the Seine. The familiar sites of Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, Les Invalides, the Louvre, etc. welcomed us back to this fair city. A second theme held true...invariably some major landmark is under renovation just when we decide to never fails. On this trip, it was the exterior of the Louvre, which was a shame because the tuilleries were all in bloom. Never fear, could we have found the photo destined to be THE 2005 Christmas card shot?


After a brief break "pour dejeuner", we got serious on this shopping thing. Remember, I still had some birthday celebrating to do. Victory came in the form of some great fashions in a shop along the Champs-Elysee (the Budman felt the need to join in the celebration as well). Bud is showing me how it is done as we begin our mission.


Tomorrow, we head to Chartres.

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