Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Interesting Factoid

That little phenomenon called Daylight Savings Time…yes, there are parts of the world that don’t even observe this concept (i.e. South Korea and Taiwan).

And yes, it can be difficult to remember when DST is scheduled to take effect. So, I was preparing for DST in Germany this coming weekend, as this is when the US observes the clock change, or “springs forward”, as we’ve all been taught in school.

Surprise! Europe observed the DST time change last weekend. I figured this out about mid-day on Sunday. Oh, well.

Yet, for one week and one week only, there is actually 8 hours difference (not 7 hours as is the norm) between Germany and Dallas. Never know when you might need this tidbit of information or be aware of this Trivial Pursuit game?

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