Saturday, November 19, 2005

Pictures are worth a thousand words

Although there are wonderful things to see in Venice...buildings, palaces, and churches of historical and artistic is the wandering through the tiny streets, across the footbridges, and into the tiny shops and cafes that was the most charming part of the trip to this city.

Rather than tell you about, let my photos visually take you through our day in Venice....

Italy Day 9 003

Italy Day 9 002

Italy Day 9 032

Italy Day 9 031

Italy Day 9 027

Italy Day 9 024

Italy Day 9 022

Italy Day 9 034

Italy Day 9 037

Italy Day 6-8 083

Italy Day 6-8 094

Italy Day 6-8 092

Italy Day 6-8 090

Italy Day 6-8 088

Italy Day 6-8 095

Italy Day 9 046


Missy said...


Venice is my FAAAAVORITE!!!!!

Hachie Gal said...

Buddy's as well.